Dealing with pandemics needs immunity stronger than ever. Colloidal silvers carry antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral characteristics. They have been the saviours of humanity for ages and have served their purpose well.
Colloidal silver generators are available at expensive rates in the market, but why spend money on something that can be easily made at home?

Things Needed to Make Your Own Colloidal Silver Generator at Home
- Four 9 VOLT batteries or a single source of 36 v
- 2 pieces of silver ( wires 0.999 pure or 1-ounce silver pieces)
- Scrubbing pad
- Distilled water
- Glass jar
- 2 Alligator clips
- A piece of 10 gauge wire
- Straw (to hang it on the top)
Take a glass jar and pour distilled water into it. It is important to mention that tap water, spring water or any other water may not give you the desired results. Also, make sure to use a glass jar. After that, wrap a piece of 10 gauge wire around a straw and attach alligator clips to both ends.
Scrub the pieces of silver to clear any surface oxidation. Fix these pieces into the jaws of clips. Make sure to keep both pieces an inch apart to avoid sparking.
If you are using silver wires, give them a nice J shape and attach them to the main gauge wire. Connect four 9-volt batteries joined in series or a single source of 36 volts to the wire. Let it sit for four to eight hours for a strong colloidal silver solution.
Interesting Facts:
- Silver pieces once bought can be sufficient for decades even if you make solutions daily.
- The strength of a solution is determined by the time setup rests in the water. If you keep it for a long time, it enhances its strength. As they rightly say, great things take time.
- You can make a visual test with the help of a laser pointer. After almost 8 hours, you can see a beam of light through the solution.
- If you clean the pieces right after use, it may affect them. Just wrap them in a paper towel or a clean kitchen towel to remove the dross.
- Switch the sides of alligator clips each time you make a generator. It may sound funny but it helps in taking the silver off more accurately.
- You can have your filtered colloidal silver by using an unbleached coffee filter and you are good to go.
Make sure to store it in a dark bottle and a dark place because silver is a highly photo-sensitive element. Any harsh exposure to strong light or intense heat may turn it dark and reduce its effectiveness.
Final Words
So guys, don’t worry about the expensive generators as you can make one at your home with already available things. It’s extremely beneficial against viruses, fungi, and bacteria. Grab these basic things, make your silver colloidal generator, have your daily dose of the healthy solution, and rock the life.
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